
Writings on social engineering and other things

by Virginia “Ginny” Stoner, MA, JD


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Stealth vaccination: aerosols; powders; vaccines in drinking water and food

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Let’s say you’re an uber-powerful eugenicist with no conscience and unlimited funds, and a huge army of doting minions to carry out your nefarious plans. One of your favorite tools for population control is vaccination—but more and more people are seeing through the ruse and refusing vaccines. You’re a psychopath in a pickle—what do you do?     

The obvious solution, used all the time these days, is coercion. Arm-twisting and brute force are as old as civilization—but they’re primitive, and much more unstable and high-maintenance than willing—or better yet, eager—voluntary submission. When it comes to vaccination, that’s achieved with a steady stream of vaccine propaganda and information control from cradle to grave, reinforced in schools from kindergarten through college—especially medical school.  

But is there an even darker possibility—that vaccines—whatever ‘vaccine’ even means anymore—could be administered covertly, without our knowledge or consent? Maybe. You can’t be stealthy wielding a needle—but needles aren’t the only way to administer vaccines.

Alternatives to needle vaccination

One vaccination option with possible stealth potential is aerosol vaccines, which are inhaled, usually through a nebulizer. This technology was fairly advanced as far back as 2003.     

“The feasibility of using aerosol vaccines to achieve mass and rapid immunization, especially in developing countries and disaster areas, is being assessed on the basis of current available information. […] The recommended optimal way of introducing an aerosol vaccine is nasal breathing […] Several thousand human subjects have been aerosol-vaccinated over a period of many years in Russia with live-attenuated strains against many diseases. Extensive field trials in South America with aerosolized live-attenuated measles vaccine have also been successful, and excellent results have been reported with pilot projects employing inactivated or live-attenuated aerosol influenza A vaccine. We conclude that aerosol immunization seems a promising method of vaccination. Although some basic information is still lacking, this method has already been used successfully in large populations and has therefore passed the phase of initial feasibility evaluation.”

—Feasibility of aerosol vaccination in humans, Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology (2003). (1)

The World Health Organization (WHO) had an aerosol measles vaccine initiative in 2012. Oddly, sometime after I captured these images just a few months ago, the presentation was removed from the WHO website (it’s still available in the Web Archive). Why would they suddenly remove a 10-year-old presentation? I don’t know, but the slide on page 34, pictured here, caught my attention. What the heck is an “early administration DNA vaccine”?

Another alternative to needle vaccination with possible stealth potential is powder vaccines, which are also inhaled, generally through a disposable inhaler. They’re described in a recent paper:

“We believe that the scope of vaccine research should be broadened toward inhalable dry powder formulations since dry vaccines bear several advantages. Firstly, their dry state can tremendously increase vaccine stability and shelf-life. Secondly, they can be inhaled using disposable inhalers, omitting the need for trained health-care personnel and, therefore, facilitating mass-vaccination campaigns. Thirdly, inhalable vaccines may provide improved protection since they can induce an IgA-mediated mucosal immune response.”

Inhaled vaccine delivery in the combat against respiratory viruses: a 2021 overview of recent developments and implications for COVID-19, Expert Review of Vaccines (2021). (2)

In the veterinary world, there are vaccines that can be delivered to livestock and wildlife in both drinking water and food. This article from the Vet Times has been taken down, but the description and illustration are still there.

Edible packets of rabies vaccine are sometimes used for wildlife, mentioned in this article from the USDA.

Of the non-needle vaccine alternatives, vaccines in drinking water and food may have the most stealth potential. Water has been used as a poison delivery system for fluoride for many years—literally a hazardous waste that people widely believe is good for them. At least we know it’s in there.

Stealth potential of aerosol and powder vaccines

 If the goal of aerosol vaccines is “mass and rapid immunization, especially in developing countries and disaster areas,” nebulizers would not be able to do that—it would actually be slower than conventional needle vaccination. A large number of people would share a limited number of nebulizers, and each would have to breathe through it for several minutes. How could that be faster than giving injections? It would also require generators where there is no electric power.

On the other hand, if the vaccine could be disbursed through the air—either in an enclosed space like a building or tent, or outdoors—that would be rapid mass vaccination.

It is possible to administer aerosol vaccines by spray in a closed environment—it’s done with chickens:

 “Hatchery vaccination will be delivered through vaccination chambers or inline automatic sprayers. The chambers, also known as cabinets, vaccinate one crate of chicks at any one time and are manually operated.

 “Automatic spray vaccinators work on conveyor belts and use a flat, fan-type spray. Both should
offer an even mist of a coarse spray (100 microns to 300 microns) at a fixed pressure over the
chicks, which need to remain moist for 10 minutes to 15 minutes. Chicks should only be
transported once dry.”

 -- Commercial chicken vaccination: part 1 – spray and aerosol usage, Vet Times, page 3. (3)

 Final thoughts

 I don’t know whether aerosol vaccines, or vaccines in food or water, have been used to covertly vaccinate people without their consent. The technology doesn’t seem to be out of the reasonable range of possibility, and if it can be done, it probably has been done. That’s what happens when psychopaths are at the helm.

Maybe when we consider vaccines—a word that has a very loose definition these days—we should also be considering the skies, and our food and water supplies.

 "Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so."

 —Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, Chapter 3--Scientific Technique in an Oligarchy (1952)



(1) Roth Y, Chapnik JS, Cole P. Feasibility of Aerosol Vaccination in Humans. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology. 2003;112(3):264-270. doi:10.1177/000348940311200313.  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10839630_Feasibility_of_Aerosol_Vaccination_in_Humans  

(2) Rick Heida, Wouter LJ Hinrichs & Henderik W Frijlink (2021) Inhaled vaccine delivery in the combat against respiratory viruses: a 2021 overview of recent developments and implications for COVID-19, Expert Review of Vaccines, DOI: 10.1080/14760584.2021.1903878 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14760584.2021.1903878

(3) Vet Times, Commercial chicken vaccination: part 1 – spray and aerosol usage, by William Garton, April 25, 2016. https://www.vettimes.co.uk/app/uploads/wp-post-to-pdf-enhanced-cache/1/commercial-chicken-vaccination-part-1-spray-and-aerosol-usage.pdf