
Writings on social engineering and other things

by Virginia “Ginny” Stoner, MA, JD


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Posts in Revised History
A million excess deaths in the US in 2020-2021—none caused by a virus

In this post, I use mortality data from the CDC Wonder database to estimate the number of excess deaths in the US in 2020 and 2021—meaning deaths over and above what would ordinarily be expected, based on the historical pattern. There were more than a million excess deaths—of which zero were caused by a virus.

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Trolls, true believers, and other lying liars

In spite of convincing evidence of the mass-vaccination campaign in the US during the Spanish flu, most people don’t know the vaccines even existed. Why? Because there’s an ongoing conspiracy to conceal it. Sometimes this results in creepy dark hilarity, as industry trolls and true believers struggle to come up with an explanation for the obvious lies about Spanish flu vaccines.

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Disappearing history and cannibalism in the canyonlands, with a note on underground bunkers

“Anasazi” is no longer a politically correct name for the ancient residents of the Four Corners region. The narrative justifying the name change—which would be onerous, given how much the word “Anasazi” has been used over the last century—has the fishy smell of disappearing history. Backing up that impression, ruins in this region, even those once restored at great effort and public expense, are slowly being disappeared from federal maps, and hidden behind missing signs and unmaintained roads.

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