
Writings on social engineering and other things

by Virginia “Ginny” Stoner, MA, JD


Index of topics on this blog

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Unborn children who died after COVID19 vaccination

When I first started keeping track of the CDC’s statement on deaths reported to VAERS from COVID19 vaccines in the US, the number of deaths the CDC said were reported was hundreds higher than the number of deaths reported according to my VAERS search. Now, it’s over 1800 deaths higher. Why? Is it possible the CDC is including over 1400 fetal deaths reported to VAERS from COVID19 vaccines?

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You might be brainwashed if...

A key symptom of brainwashing is the inability to recognize it in ourselves, and in other brainwashed people. This is especially true when the brainwashing is so longstanding and widespread, it’s literally “normal.” Fortunately, I can easily recognize vaccine brainwashing in others, both because of my training, and because I used to be brainwashed myself. Therefore, as a public service, I’ve developed a new self-test for vaccine brainwashing, that people can take in the privacy of their own homes.

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What's intersex? Is that like an orgy?

Intersex, or hermaphrodism, is a biological combination of male and female. Unlike gender dysphoria, a psychological disorder we’re encouraged to celebrate, even in prepubescent children, intersex has traditionally been treated like a shameful secret. It’s often a major source of physical and psychological pain for people born with it. Why is intersex so little known compared to transsexual, and every other conceivable variation of sexuality or gender identity?

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What if half of all VAERS reports are false?

One of the main objections people have to using VAERS data to estimate vaccine risk is that reports to VAERS don’t prove the vaccine caused the injury—which of course is a perfectly legitimate objection. The problem is, VAERS is the only vaccine injury data available to the general public. To accommodate this inherent limitation of VAERS, I calculated what the risks of COVID19 vaccination would be if half of all VAERS reports were coincidental (false).

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Disappearing history and cannibalism in the canyonlands, with a note on underground bunkers

“Anasazi” is no longer a politically correct name for the ancient residents of the Four Corners region. The narrative justifying the name change—which would be onerous, given how much the word “Anasazi” has been used over the last century—has the fishy smell of disappearing history. Backing up that impression, ruins in this region, even those once restored at great effort and public expense, are slowly being disappeared from federal maps, and hidden behind missing signs and unmaintained roads.

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Update: How to hide thousands of vaccine deaths in plain sight

In February, I wrote about an unexpected place where the CDC can conceal tens of thousands of vaccine deaths—in its tally of “Deaths Involving COVID19.” This is an update on the situation, which has continued to escalate, with hundreds of deaths involving COVID19 reported to VAERS each month. I also look at historical data from the CDC’s tally—which points to complete and utter vaccine failure—or worse.

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The deadly COVID19 vaccine coverup revisited

I first wrote about the massive increase in deaths reported to VAERS from the covid shots in April 2021—how has the situation changed in the last year? Twice as many vaccines have been administered; the number of VAERS reports has doubled; the number of death reports has tripled; and the calculated risk of vaccination has continued to climb. How high will it go before someone in charge says “stop”?

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CDC disappears COVID19 vaccine data for ages 5-11; plus, risk update for children

I’ve previously used the CDC’s COVID19 Data Tracker to estimate the number of vaccines given to children—which is necessary to calculate vaccine risk. But something strange happened when I tried to do an update: the number of vaccinated children had decreased since last month—by a lot—more than 17 million. It turned out the strange shrinkage was caused by the unexplained disappearance of data for 5-11-year-olds.

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How to hide thousands of vaccine deaths in plain sight

There’s an unexpected place where the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) can cleverly conceal tens of thousands of vaccine deaths—in its tally of “Deaths Involving COVID19.” In this paper I explain how this simple trick works and why I think it’s happening now; I also estimate how many deaths from covid shots might be hidden in that tally.

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Weaponized math for parents

What is the risk of COVID19 vaccination for children, based on VAERS data? It’s an undisputed fact that vaccines can and do cause serious injury and death—that’s why we have a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (the VICP). And, more deaths and serious injuries have been reported to VAERS from the covid shots than from all other vaccines combined for the last 31 years.

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When the definition of "virus" changed; plus, how many pounds of virus in the typical human?

A hundred years ago, the word “virus” had a completely different meaning than it has today. Now, “virus” means microorganism; but a hundred years ago, “virus” meant a slurry of secretions from humans, animals or plants. When this slurry was used to make vaccines—which it often was—it was sometimes called “vaccine virus.” When and why did the definition change so dramatically?

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Numbers? Who needs numbers when we have propaganda?

The massive increase in serious injuries and deaths reported to VAERS from the covid shots has been getting attention in alternative media, and the vaccine industry has responded—not with analyses showing why it’s nothing to worry about—but with propaganda designed to (1) keep it concealed from the public, and (2) convince people VAERS reports don’t matter. Here, I break down a typical example of this anti-VAERS propaganda.

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